Thursday, November 7, 2019


Roswell There's a key difference between the skeptical/scientific outlook and the paranormal/pseudoscientific approach: practitioners of the latter tend to persist in their cherished beliefs regardless of all evidence casting doubt on them. Let's look at one case in which a supposed mystery had been solved, yet continue to be promoted as if ordinary solutions were unknown, and the question still remains; Did it happen? The most famous of all UFO and alien stories is that of Roswell, made legend in movies, television shows and hundreds of books. According to the story, the U.S. government and armed forces have tried to hide the crash of an extraterrestrial spaceship outside Roswell, New Mexico, in July 1947. Some versions of the tale claim alien bodies were recovered and the crashed alien craft was secretly "reverse-engineered" by government scientists to give us such technological advances as the integrated circuits used by today's computers.Roswell, NMThe majority of the public would like t o believe in the idea that Roswell never happened, but that may not be the case.There are two many underlining factors that point to the fact that Roswell did occur. The debris retrieved from the site of the "crashed flying saucer" near Roswell, all the evidence recovered, the government cover-up of what actually transpired, and the witnesses who must have seen the incident upclose. But never has a credible witness - out of the thousands who must have been involved over the years in keeping the secret of the United States holding and researching extraterrestrial bodies and spacecraft - ever come forward. Never in five decades has a piece of hard evidence been found to support the ET claims. And meanwhile a very reasonable explanation has been offered to cover all the facts. Yet the hype about Roswell persists. So you be...

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